Monday, November 17, 2008

Young'N Shoot

Today, i enjoyed a shoot in Port Arthur TX with one of the livest young groups i've heard in awhile, Street Camp Movement.  We had a good shoot and got alot done in a very quick amount of time. 
One Small mishap happen, my ol faithful SV 300i strobe was dropped during the shoot it fired intermittedly during the shoot so in the clutch I move on the my Vivitar 285HV strobe (3)  we wrapped up the shoot with that and backed those up with my ABR800 ringlight.
So here is a shot.
3 light setup.  Ringlight overhead on axis about 2ft. from subject face tilted downward for rapid falloff.  One 285HV camera right  pointed at legs feathered toward the ground.  One 285HV set camera left for fill.

The only more i would have desired is the reallyt wet the ground to add those highlight and reflections that would have given this shot more pop.

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